35th Anniversary Year
The team at Loo Of the Year Awards would firstly like to thank our sponsors and all the entrants for a very exciting and successful first year for the new management team, yes it had some hitches on the way, not least having to postpone the Awards Event twice and then finally holding it on the windiest day on record. We would though like to thank those that were able to attend the event and we hope you enjoyed it and found it as inspirational as we did.
This year Loo Of The Year Awards will be celebrating it's 35th Anniversary. We are hoping for a record number of entries as we promote the need for better 'away form home toilets' and encourage more business to promote and enter their facilities. Last year we saw the standard rise yet again through many of our entrants and were very excited to have many new entrants too.
For the 2022 event we will be moving it to a Thursday and will change the running a little. We are hoping to start a little later in the day, have the dinner early evening and then have entertainment to celebrate the day until midnight. We are hoping that many will join us and the schedule and early bird prices will be posted soon.