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Becky Wall appointed as Managing Director of Loo of the Year Awards

08 April 2021 14:39

Becky Wall has been appointed as Managing Director of Loo of the Year Awards with effect from 1st April. Becky succeeds Mike Bone, who became Chairman at the same time, and will continue to be involved in Loo of the Year Awards activities.

 The Awards are owned and run independently and since their introduction in 1987 the annual Loo of the Year Awards competition has strived to focus the spotlight on recognising and rewarding the very best washrooms throughout the UK and Ireland. It is considered the ‘washroom standard’ and a Loo of the Year Award is an established benchmark of washroom provision and compliance to national standards.

After leaving school Becky had a successful career in sales and accounts. During that time, she studied through remote learning and gained a Higher Diploma in Events Management.

In the Millennium Year Becky started her own Events Management business where she identified a niche in the market for Luxury Mobile Toilet Hire to complement the events.  Becky and her Husband Charles subsequently started A Plush Flush in 2006. The connection with Loo of the Year Awards started in 2009 when A Plush Flush was entered into the Mobile Toilet category. Since then A Plush Flush has achieved many awards including National Category Winners, Market Sector Winners and National Winner of Individual Categories for England and ultimately UK Winner of individual Categories.

Becky was honoured in 2015 with a British Empire Medal (BEM) for her extensive work with local Charites, being a School Governor and PTA Chairperson of the school where her two teenage daughters attended. She was also part of a small group who have raised over £100,000 for the Midlands Air Ambulance.

Becky has said “I am very excited to be taking on this new position and I hope one of the goals I achieve is to raise the profile of the Loo of the Year Awards, Sponsors and Entrants further using Social Media Platforms.”


1st April 2021

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