Record numbers of entries for the 2019 Awards
Loo of the Year Awards are receiving record numbers of entries for the 2019 Awards - the standard for washrooms throughout the UK and Ireland.
Any type of 'away from home' washroom can be nominated or entered in the competition, in any of the sixty-one separate Awards categories listed on the entry form. Entries are accepted from anywhere in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands.
Anyone can nominate - staff, customers, visitors, managers, owners or contractors. Entries need to be authorised by owners or managers to guarantee payment of relevant entry fees which cover the inspection visit(s) etc.
All competition entries will receive a grading; Silver Gold, Platinum or Diamond, following an unannounced visit by an authorised Loo of the Year Awards Inspector. Each entry is fully assessed against the judging criteria, covering both male and female facilities, as well as any baby changing, accessible, Changing Places, Space to Change or Hygiene Room facilities provided.
Select the Enter tab to enter now or contact our Administration office for more information - or phone 01531 640715