Entries exceeding expectations
Entries for the 2018 Loo of the Year Awards are exceeding expectations.
Following Loo of the Year Awards 30th Anniversary in 2017, when entries were at their highest ever level, more and more existing and new entrants including washroom providers, cleaning and FM companies are appreciating the value of receiving an independent assessment of their service provision and recognition of their achievement. Entries for washrooms across all market sectors and from all areas of the United Kingdom are being received.
Any type of 'away from home' washroom can be entered in the competition by the provider or nominated by a member of the public. There are sixty one separate Awards categories listed on the Entry Form and entrants may select one, e.g.Holiday Park.
Anyone can nominate - staff, customers, visitors etc on-line at www.loo.co.uk under the Enter tab. Loo of the Year Awards will contact the nominated establishment and provide entry details.
All entrants will be notified of their achievement in October 2018 and the National and UK award winners will be announced at the prestigious 2018 Loo of the Year Awards Event on 7th December at the St Johns Hotel Solihul -" The Washroom Oscars".