Loo of the Year Awards judging commences
The Loo of the Year Awards inspection team have now completed the inspection of thousands of 2017 Loo of the Year Awards entrants washrooms throughout the UK. They have travelled thousands of miles by road, train and aircraft and have visited 836 towns/cities, 56 London Underground Stations while inspecting every category of ‘away from home washroom’.
The inspection criteria are based on fitness for purpose from the user’s perspective. Are the washrooms clean? Do they provide all the facilities that users require? Do they meet Building Regulations Doc M and Equality Act dimensions and the needs of users that require accessible toilets or Changing Places facilities? Do they provide adequate facilities for babies and children? Are they attractive – light, inviting and have the Wow factor.
Judging for the range of National and UK/Ireland awards and trophies will be completed during October and the results will be announced at the 30th Anniversary Loo of the Year Awards day time Event on Friday 8th December at the elegant St Johns Hotel Solihull. The prestigious event includes excellent hospitality, a washroom supplier’s exhibition, top class entertainment and unrivalled networking opportunities among leading cleaning and FM service providers and their key customers.
Event tickets are available by calling 01531 640715 or email information@loo.co.uk .