Sponsors & Awards Supporters Retained
Clos-O-Mat are sponsoring the Changing Places Toilet Entries National Awards and UK Trophy again in 2014.
Clos-o-Mat is Britain's leading supplier for disabled toileting solutions for in and out of the home. With its 50 years' experience in the market, it is aware of the importance of appropriate toilet facilities, and how they
impact on disabled people's ability to enjoy and participate in life. So far, some 580 Changing Places toilets have already been opened at venues across the UK, many of which have been supplied by Clos-o-Mat. Car parks to shopping centres and every public environment in between are reporting seeing an increase in visitor numbers, and positive feedback, as a result of having installed a Changing Places toilet, especially when they have further included a Clos-o-Mat 'wash and dry' (automatic) toilet in place of a conventional WC. Read more about Clos-O-Mat on the Sponsor page or go to www.clos-o-mat.com
Danfo have been a loyal supporter of Loo of the Year Awards and are a leading supplier of toilets in the UK. Since the company was founded in 1969, Danfo are extremely proud of having delivered thousands of toilet units in Sweden and worldwide.
Bespoke Public Toilets make for better installations. With Danfo, your needs are always the starting point. They provide public toilets of the highest quality, designed and built for the customer. Whatever the clients circumstances, Danfo can provide a suitable toilet solution. Quality is their keyword and they deliver an unsurpassed product and the best service imaginable, throughout the sales process and afterwards. Always with a professional approach and a great commitment.
For more information contact 020 8380 7370 or email enquiries@danfo.co.uk
We are delighted to announce that Evolve Security Products Limited in association with Willings Services Limited have become the latest 2014 Loo of the Year Sponsors. Willings coin handling expertise coupled with Evolves security turnstiles and gates have been combined to create a strong, reliable and robust revenue collection systems for public toilets. Evolve are proud to be associated with Willings who have supported the Loo of the Year Awards for several years.