Ophardt sponsor Loo of the Year Awards in 2013
We are delighted that Ophardt are sponsoring Loo of the Year Awards in 2013.
Ophardt provide high quality solutions for public washrooms and for 50 years has been synonymous with functionality and quality in the realm of dispensing and dosage systems.
Starting from the delivery date they offer a five year manufacturers warranty for their SanTRAL stainless steel products which goes beyond the legal requirement of two- year general liability for material defects, provided products are used as intended and with original Ophardt hygiene parts.
All SanTRAL Classic stainless steel products are standard equipped with a durable Anti-Fingerprint- Coating (AFP). AFP ensures noticeable reduction of visable fingerprints during use. Additionally its sustainability simplifies cleaning and care – this saves time and cost.
In contrast to nano-based coatings the SanTRAL Anti- Fingerprint- Coating si resistant against standard cleaning agents and AFP-equipped dispensers always look clean and hygienic, thus
motivating people to wash their hands.