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CLOS-O-Mat sponsor the 2013 Changing Places Toilet Awards and Trophy

24 May 2013 09:10

hanging Places Toilet National Award & UK Trophy sponsor Clos-o-Mat is Britain’s leading supplier for disabled toileting solutions for in and out of the home. With its 50 years’ experience in the market, it is aware of the importance of appropriate toilet facilities, and how they impact on disabled people’s ability to enjoy and participate in life.

If you have a disability, going to the toilet ‘away from home’ can be difficult, especially if you need the help of a carer. Changing Places toilets have more space, to accommodate a disabled person, wheelchair and up to two carers, and, as standard include an adult-sized changing bench, hoist and privacy screen, as well as a peninsular toilet and washbasin. Under the 2013 Building Regulations Approved Document M, it is now ‘desirable’ to include a hygiene room/Changing Places toilet.

So far, some 500 Changing Places toilets have already been opened at venues across the UK, many of which have been supplied by Clos-o-Mat.  Car parks to shopping centres and every public environment in between are reporting seeing an increase in visitor numbers, and positive feedback, as a result of having installed a Changing Places toilet, especially when they have further included a Clos-o-Mat ‘wash and dry’ (automatic) toilet in place of a conventional WC.

A Clos-o-Mat looks like a traditional toilet- and can be used as such- but has added features of integrated douching and drying. The user therefore doesn’t have to clean- or be cleaned- with toilet tissue, enhancing independence, dignity, and hygiene for all involved. The floor-mounted Clos-o-Mat Palma Vita can be tailored to individual requirements with a range of options from support arms to ‘soft touch’ operation; the wall-hung Lima Lifter is fully height adjustable, making it ideal for multi-user environments.

Clos-o-Mat supports its products with comprehensive, in-house design advice, installation, commissioning and on-going service & maintenance, helping ensure Britain’s 11million registered disabled people can undertake their personal hygiene needs, in and out of the home, in the most appropriate environment.