Toilet Twinning sponsor 2017 Loo of the Year Awards
Loo of the Year Awards welcome Toilet Twinning as the latest Associate Sponsors of the 2017 Awards.
Toilet Twinning is a registered charity which provides a simple, quirky way to solve a serious problem and save lives.
For just a £60 donation, donors can twin their loo with a latrine halfway around the world, in a country of their choosing. For a £240 donation, they can twin with a school block or toilets in a displacement camp.
Donors smallest room becomes the proud owner of a certificate, complete with a photo and GPS coordinates so they can look up their twin on Google Maps.
Toilet Twinning funds the work of international relief and development agency Tearfund. Donations are used to provide clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education. This vital combination works together to prevent the spread of disease. Children are healthier, and able to go to school; parents are well enough to work their land and grow enough food to feed their family. With better health, and more ability to earn a living, men and women discover the potential that lies within them to bring transformation.
Family by family, community by community, nation by nation, we are flushing away poverty.